Edward Savio

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Readers' Favorite Fiction - Audiobook
"Alexander X explores the possibility of genetic mutation, a gene that slows aging to a level where, instead of you becoming older a day at a time like everyone else, it takes 100 days to age only 1 day. No superpowers. No exceptional abilities, except for what is learned through life. Does that grab your attention? It certainly grabbed mine. It’s a story about Alexander and two of his friends, who set out on a whirlwind adventure of just trying not to be caught. Not by the government or any other authority. Instead, we learn there are others out there besides Alexander, and not all of them good. From the very first word to the last sentence, you are left hanging, wanting more. Alexander X by Edward Savio is about friendship, honor, family, and life in the here and now. But it also takes you into the past where you can experience a life lived through someone else’s eyes, and who is still around to talk about it. And yeah, he’s still only 15. Highly recommended.""
Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite
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Florida. 1963. Day of the Kennedy assassination—a thousand miles away. Told from the POV of one of the female stars of the BFF series.
If you're new to the series, get an extended preview of Book 1 here.
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June 29, 2023
March 1, 2023
Book 3 is HERE NoW!

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Whether you love to read the words yourself or want Wil Wheaton and Ray Porter to perform them for you, you're going to love this sci-fi adventure. Get it today...
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The Velvet Sledgehammer

what people say
Book Reviews
BFF. Just keeps getting better.
The first book was great. This one is over-the-top non-stop action. I can't wait for the next one.
Christopher Hasse
Cost me a lot of sleep - it is that engrossing!
I have nearly 1000 titles in my Audible library. So many great listens have I enjoyed over the years. This book was one of the very best books I have ever experienced. Wil Wheaton's performance is one his very best of his fantastic narrating career.
It is such a fantastic book, I started to imagine it in my mind's eye like a movie playing out. I am very much looking forward to the next book in the series.
Love it When a Sequel is Even Better
Fast-paced and thought-provoking don't always go together but they do in this story. But if you read the first novel in the series you already know that.
Michael D. Boemker
Refreshingly Original
There are a lot of these types of books around, and most are centralized around superpowers of some kind. The characters Savio presents are unique in that it presents the case of what “abilities” someone would obtain just by simply having more time than others. It emphasizes wit, knowledge, and experience as the keystones for survival instead of some supernatural edge.
Great historical references, entertaining humor, and a compelling storyline with no drop-offs. Very impressed.
Sean Post