Battle For Forever
Who would you be...if you could live forever? What would you do if you couldn't hide anymore?
Alexander Grant is a little too good at a few too many things. Two dozen martial arts. Twice that many languages. Chess, piano, sports, forging excused absences. He graduated high school top of his class—17 times. Alexander has been forced to move from town to small town to even smaller town—he just bought his 651st house—in an effort to live a quiet life. But when a mysterious cabal attempts to kidnap him and kill his friends, Alexander must use all his skills and centuries of training to outwit the most dangerous man alive, mastermind of a plot that would change the world forever.
If you're an audiobook listener, Wil Wheaton reads the first two books. Ray Porter picks up the mantle with Book 3.
Idiots in the Machine. Kind of a cult classic.
Honestly, no one will make you join the cult. They Zoom mostly. Anyway, my debut novel is—
Filled with an unforgettable array of characters, this deliciously dark and comic novel chronicles the life of an eccentric near-genius who is dragged into the media spotlight by the ultimate trendsetter--a beautiful, charismatic, yet emotionally bankrupt young woman--on an adventure that takes him from the depths of anonymity to the roof of America's tallest building.

\bloodborn a FREE BFF Novella
Florida. 1963. Day of the Kennedy assassination—a thousand miles away. Told from the POV of Renika, one of the breakout female stars of the BFF series. If you haven't already read it, get it now.